Remembrance Photography

"The Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep Foundation is there for parents and families to help aid them in their HEALING, bring HOPE to their future, and HONOR to their child. It is through REMEMBRANCE that a family can truly begin to heal."

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Super Excited!!!

A few weeks ago I found a blog called "Photowalking Utah" and have been waiting for them to announce their next meeting/photowalk.  Well yesterday they posted that Nicole Young will be leading a walk in September.  I looked up her blog and found that she's a food photographer!  I read her posts on food styling and found that she just wrote a book that's coming out next month:

I'm SO excited about this!  I'm going to order the book (and possibly the ebook as well).  And I'm going to attend the Photowalk.  The blog post mentioned that this will be her last event since she is about to move out of the state (sadness!), but hopefully I can get a second to talk to her about making other food photography contacts in the area or even online.  I need some mentors.

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