Remembrance Photography

"The Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep Foundation is there for parents and families to help aid them in their HEALING, bring HOPE to their future, and HONOR to their child. It is through REMEMBRANCE that a family can truly begin to heal."

Monday, September 12, 2011


On Saturday we visited the "Healing Fields" in Sandy, UT honoring those that lost their lives ten years ago in the tragedies of September 11, 2001.  I took my camera intending to take some photos of Kenzie for her 18 month blog post but instead was so taken by the flags that I barely got the girls in any photos.  (There was one flag for each life lost.)  Martin was pushing the girls around in the stroller or chasing after Syd as she wandered while I hurriedly tried to capture the moments I was seeing.
(ISO 100, f/5, 1/1000, Av mode, auto ISO, auto WB)
I wanted to catch a view of the long line of motorcycles surrounding the field of flags.  I took two shots, one with the distant flags in focus (the motorcycles being blurry ended up hurting my eyes so I deleted it quickly) and this one where the lone flag hanging off the motorcycle is the focal point.  It captures the moment and follows the rule of thirds!  (I've noticed that my favorite place to put a subject is in that lower left point.)

(ISO 100, f/14, 1/50, Av mode, auto ISO, auto WB)
This decal on a firetruck really struck me and when I stepped close to photograph it, I noticed the reflection it showed.  I feel like I'm slowly developing an artist's eye.  I didn't want to crop out the wheel well in the lower left because I want you to realize that it's on a vehicle.

(ISO 100, f/4, 1/2500, Av mode, auto ISO, auto WB)
I took pictures of the flags from several vantage points.  

(ISO 100, f/4.5, 1/2500, Av mode, auto ISO, auto WB)
I usually like how things look from down low but this picture doesn't do much for me (even if I brightened the exposure).

(ISO 100, f/5.6, 1/500, Av mode, auto ISO, auto WB)
Each flag had a tag with a name to show that these flags stand for real people.  If you blow up this photo, you can actually read the text.

(ISO 100, f/4.5, 1/1250, Av mode, auto ISO, auto WB)
Here you can see the rows of flags as well as the tag.

(ISO 100, f/4.5, 1/1250, Av mode, auto ISO, auto WB)
This is my favorite photo because the sky looks wonderful, the flags are waving, there aren't a million people wandering through the aisles, and you can imagine the sheer number of flags in the field and solemnly remember the events of that day.

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