Remembrance Photography

"The Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep Foundation is there for parents and families to help aid them in their HEALING, bring HOPE to their future, and HONOR to their child. It is through REMEMBRANCE that a family can truly begin to heal."

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Some Relief

As I wrote the previous blog post, I received a reply!  It only took a few minutes to hear back.  This is what they said:

Good Morning Cami,

Thank you so much for your interest in becoming a Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep (NILMDTS) affiliated volunteer photographer within our network.  Below are the requirements of becoming a photographer for NILMDTS.  It is not mandatory that you have a degree in photography but experience is necessary as you would expect.  As more and more hospitals find out about our free services to families in need, the need for more volunteers increases. 

As far as our photography requirements:  We require that you have professional level equipment and lighting, and that you submit a sample of your work to our review team via your website.  Each applicant is reviewed by three people on our team to make sure that their skills are adequate, as we only get one chance to take these photos.  Please note:  it can take 4-8 weeks to process your application. Here is the information on our photography program:

To find out more about our photography program, CLICK HERE:

To learn about the requirements of being a volunteer in the network, CLICK HERE: 
(Cami, Go to the Join our Network page and it gives a good list of requirements we are looking for.)

To begin the application process, CLICK HERE:

We truly appreciate your interest in joining our program!
For more location specific information about NILMDTS, you can contact your local Area Coordinator (they will be listed in red). Follow this link and you can look up by zip code:

Please do not hesitate to email me with any additional questions you may have.

Beth Mulligan
Toll Free 877-834-5667
Fax 720-283-8998

So, just as I suspected, a photography degree is not mandatory.  I can see how it would definitely be helpful and I will most likely take more photography classes over the years but I can release the stress that idea was originally presenting.  The list of criteria I previously posted about is still the goal.

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